Let American Be America again / Save The Trees please click images to enlarge
Langston Hughes timeless poem "Let America Be America Again" is the underlying motto for this series of woodcuts, paintings and Artist's Books.
I am trying to interpret this poem in my work and hope that together with Langston Hughes words "Let America be America again / Let it be the dream it used to be” I will be able to encourage the viewer to think, to reevaluate and to ask him or herself: “ What has and is happening to this dream, a universal dream, that lives in the hearts of not only the American people but also in the hearts of the inhabitants of all countries: The dream for equality, peace, justice and freedom and for the protection and preservation of Nature our live giving source.
My woodcuts, books and paintings are direct references to the conflicts of our time, the trees, the motif of my paintings, stand strong and untouchable. They are symbols of hope, new beginnings, regeneration and the silent sanctuaries for our minds.
Save The Dream / Save Our Planet". With excerpts of Langston Hughes poem "Let America Be America Again", Edition of 3 copies, 10 double pages with 6 color woodcuts on Arches cover paper and 2 folded woodcut with text of first stanza of Langston Hughes "Let America be America Again", folded in half vertical and horizontal printed on Mulberry paper. 19"x 12" closed. |